
As posted in Reviews on our facebook page.

“Rarely do women get the chance to bond, express themselves and be real in today’s culture. Kathryn’s women’s circles allow you to do just that. To be you in a nurturing, supportive, healing and fun space. You can show up in whatever state your in, wherever your at and be accepted and loved for all of it. In today’s western culture woman are superwoman usually doing it all, looking after husband, kids, households, working and the list goes on, so yang not yin, doing rather then being, so independent and masculine. Kathryn’s woman’s circles will give you the chance to be still, connect to yourself as a woman, expose your raw vulnerable parts and allow them to heal. The group energy is amazing and people with similar issues to heal generally show up at the same circles. Divine’s Law of Synchronicity and Economy in action. I loved the whole evening. Kathryn created a beautiful space, the woman were so raw and honest, friendly and open. Some core issues were revealed, healed and we all went home with strategies to implement to embody more of the wise wild women that we all truly are. Thanks heaps Kathryn, love you xoxo

One thought on “Reviews

  1. admin says:

    Very moving experience, Kathryn works with energy and communicates with you to make you feel safe and comfortable. Her reiki energy is strong, her knowledge and guidance is spot on. I’ll be seeing her again and learning more from her wisdom ❤️🦋 – Emily S – Sept 2023 (as seen in review on our facebook page)

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