Develop your Intuition – Workshop 1 – Tap into your Clairs – FULLY BOOKED


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From the day we’re born, we all have the gift of intuition.  There are a number of ways your intuition kicks into gear.  Whether by gut feeling, an instinct, a knowingness about situations or events that haven’t happened yet.  Most of us, just pass it off as a silly thought!  But it’s actually your intuition kicking into gear.  Are you trusting it, listening to or seeing your signs?

This workshop is divided into two parts – you can do one or both – your choice.

WORKSHOP 1 – Tap into your Clairs

What are your Clair Senses?  Everyone has them – even you!  These are your gut feelings or insights whether obtained through just a knowing or a thought.

When we tap into and trust our Clair Senses, we open the door to powerful insight and guidance that will help manifest a meaningful and abundant life.

During this workshop you’ll tap into the main 4 Clair Senses and learn of the other 4 that are not as commonly known.  You’ll learn how to identify them and develop your strongest Clair.  Most people have one or possibly two that are quite strong.  Which are yours?  Do you know?  What’s your gut telling you?

You’ll be given pointers on how to raise your energy for part 2 of this workshop!

Date:  2023 dates to be confirmed

Time:   tbc

Investment:  $65

WORKSHOP 2 – Develop & have fun with your Intuition

So you’ve tapped into your Clair Senses, now it’s time to listen and trust your gut instinct – your intuition ……  have some fun and partner up  while we work together

Sensing and seeing Auras

Read Oracle cards

Obtain guidance with Pendulums

Practice Psychometry and use Mandalas for healing

Date:  2023 dates to be confirmed

Time:  tbc

Investment:  $65

Do one workshop for $65 or both for $110 – includes refreshments.


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