Heart & Soul Women’s Circle – FULLY BOOKED


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Throughout history, women have gathered in circles to empower each other and share their wisdom in a sacred and safe space where they can be heard and seen without fear, without judgement, without criticism.
I invite you to enjoy a morning of rediscovering your Heart space, connecting with your Soul and awaken the Goddess that lies within.  Watch as the heart and soul embody into a space of love, laughter, support and connection with other like-minded women.
During our women’s circle you will gain tools to aid you in honouring yourself, setting intentions and manifesting what your heart desires.  You will connect with your passions and what it is that truly resonates with you through soulful conversations using inspirational cards.  A chance to share stories, wisdom, knowledge, experiences and ideas with meditation & refreshments included.

Payment is required upfront to secure your spot.

Date – 2023 dates to be confirmed.

Time:  tbc

When women gather, their energetic vibration or frequency rises and that’s when magic starts to happen!

Simply amazing reviews as found on our facebook page -https://www.facebook.com/NorthAvocaMeditationStudio/ 
“Rarely do women get the chance to bond, express themselves and be real in today’s culture. Kathryn’s women’s circles allow you to do just that. To be you in a nurturing, supportive, healing and fun space. You can show up in whatever state you’re in, wherever you’re at and be accepted and loved for all of it. In today’s western culture woman are superwoman usually doing it all, looking after husband, kids, households, working and the list goes on, so yang not yin, doing rather than being, so independent and masculine. Kathryn’s woman’s circles will give you the chance to be still, connect to yourself as a woman, expose your raw vulnerable parts and allow them to heal. The group energy is amazing and people with similar issues to heal generally show up at the same circles. Divine’s Law of Synchronicity and Economy in action. I loved the whole evening. Kathryn created a beautiful space, the woman were so raw and honest, friendly and open. Some core issues were revealed, healed and we all went home with strategies to implement to embody more of the wise wild women that we all truly are. Thanks heaps Kathryn, love you – Amy xoxo”
“A truly wonderful experience so relaxing and calming.  Kat is so full of knowledge and a beautiful caring soul is willing to help you deal with all your emotions highly recommend going to see her you will not regret it for one moment.” Pam
“Today was my first women’s circle and I’m sure it won’t be my last. The last few months I’ve been enjoy Kat’s guided meditations on Mondays. But today’s women’s circle was something else, I feel it was cleansing and grounding. I actually think I floated out of there today … so thank you so much Kat for an AMAZING experience today it was just what I needed.” Ann-Maree


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