Reiki Level 1




Reiki Shoden Level I – will give you an in-depth teaching of how to channel universal energy to promote healing in yourself and others.

With Shoden “first teachings” you will learn the basic fundamentals of Reiki, how it works, its benefits and why we need to practice self-healing.

Traditional Japanese Reiki techniques are taught and practiced to build on this energetic knowledge to aid your own healing process while allowing balance and harmony into your everyday life.

You will receive three (3) traditional Japanese attunements (energy blessings) that clear the body’s meridians (energy channel s or chakras).

After completing Shoden level, you will feel competent in treating yourself, friends, family and even your pets.

For those interested in working on a deeper and more professional level, then Okuden Level II will be the next step for you to complete.

Reiki Shoden Level I course is over a three week period for 3 hours per session.

2023 Dates and times to be confirmed.  No pre-requisites required.

Course manual, certificate and morning tea included.


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