Reiki Level 3




Reiki Shinpiden Master Teacher Level III – is for those who wish to develop an even deeper understanding of the power of Reiki and move up to the level of being able to impart this wonderful knowledge to others by teaching.

Shinpiden is the Japanese word meaning “mystery teachings”.  It is aimed at Level 11 practitioners or established Reiki Masters who wish to continue their personal journey, by building on the skills taught at Okuden level.

In Shinpiden, you will continue to learn more Japanese meditations and techniques to further enhance your skills in Reiki.  You will learn how to conduct attunements and reiju, so that you can continue your journey in Reiki and initiating others who show enthusiasm and interest in learning.

Self-empowerment is attained in Shinpiden through a strong energetic connection to the source of Reiki.

Reiki Shinpiden Master/Teacher Level III is over a two day period with a duration of 6 hours per day.  Pre-requisites are Shoden Level I and Okuden Level II.

2023 dates and times to be confirmed.

Course manual, lunch, morning & afternoon tea included.


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