Reiki Level 2




Reiki Okuden Level II – is for those who wish to develop a deeper understanding of the power of Reiki within your life and take your passion for Reiki to the next level; a Reiki Practitioner.

Okuden is a Japanese word meaning “inner teachings”.  As the word implies, a deeper understanding and connection to Reiki is achieved during this course.

This level teaches you how to connect to different energies within Reiki.  This is achieved through the practice of using Reiki symbols and mantras.

After completing Okuden level, the student is expected to continue with the practice of Reiki on oneself and others where possible.  This continues the energetic clearing which was initiated during the course itself.

Reiki Okuden Level II course is over a five week period for 3 hours per session.  Shoden Level I is a pre-requisite.

2023 dates and times to be confirmed.

Course manual and morning tea included.


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